Home Local InfoFiestas La Xara Oktoberfest

La Xara Oktoberfest

by Loraine Gostling

The plaça del Cinema de La Xara is the place to be this weekend on 7 and 8 October!

From the 17: 00 hours until 2am the following morning.

During the party German beer will be served, Erdinger-Weissbier and Licher, as well as the beer Hacker-Pschorr, special for the Oktoberfest. Also the fig liqueur Feigling Jägermeister to give the traditional tastes.

Serving German cuisine, based on delicious German homemade sausages, Bratwurst, cabbage salad, sauerkraut and homemade potato salad, Sauerkraut and Kartoffelsalat. And to finish with something sweet, the apple pie Apfelstrudel.

In addition to Bavarian ambient music, there will be two live music concerts with local groups Lolipop and Black Glitter.

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