Home Recipes Who Gives a Toss?

Who Gives a Toss?

by Loraine Gostling

It’s Shrove Tuesday….

Whether it’s lemon and sugar, butter, fruit, maple syrup, chocolate sauce or if you are weird like me….marmalade, not many can resist them!!!

In Germany they eat doughnuts, in the Netherlands they have waffles, and in Russia they eat lots of blinys. Everyone in Scotland has their own idea for what you should make on Shrove Tuesday. If it is not dropped scones it will be crumpets, or crepes if you want to have a go at tossing them.
In Latin countries where they celebrate Mardi Gras and Carnival we are reminded that this day is supposed to be fun.

It’s good to think that our old custom of making pancakes together, and having a go at tossing them, has persisted simply because it is fun, they are delicious and cheap to boot. What we do know for certain is that pancakes have been around since time immemorial.  As long as there has been some sort of meal to mix with water, and a flat stone set in a hearth we have eaten pancakes.

I could add an abundance of recipes and intstructions for any pancake making virgins around to follow, but nowadays watching a video is far more civilised 😉

So, who gives a toss?  😉  😀


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