Home Costa BlancaBenitachell The mayor of Benitachell will answer citizens’ questions in a video

The mayor of Benitachell will answer citizens’ questions in a video

by Loraine Gostling

Throughout the weeks of confinement due to the state of alarm, there are many doubts and questions that arise. Much of the information comes from the different administrations and is constantly updated.

For this reason, the mayor of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell, Miguel Ángel García, will make a video next Friday, April 10th, with the aim of solving all the queries, reassuring the residents of the town and helping in everything that is in hands of the local council

Therfore, local people can now send their questions by email to [email protected] or via private message to Facebook ‘Ajuntament de Benitatxell’ until Thursday, April 9 at 7:00 p.m. 

The questions asked will be answered by means of a video that will be broadcast through social networks and the official channels of the City Council on the afternoon of Friday 10th April ( No time has been stated as yet)

News source and photo via Xabia.com

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