70,000 Endangered Sea Turtles Lay Eggs on Empty Beaches During Quarantine
70, 000 Olive Ridley sea turtles are storming the Odisha Rookery, a coastal beach in India, to do a mass nesting in broad daylight. While this once-a-year event is normally a big time tourist attraction, Indian people are on a 21-day stay-at-home order.
Now authorities don’t have to work as hard to protect the hatcheries from pesky human interaction.
These hatcheries were severely damaged last year thanks to Cyclone Title, rendering the Olive Ridley unable to reproduce at normal levels. Once the storm passed, the Indian Forest Department was able to clean up the debris and prep their shores for the turtles’ triumphant return.
Once the turtles are hatched and head toward the ocean, their survival rates dwindle thanks to birds and other sea creatures looking for a quick lunch.
An even bigger threat to their existence are nets from commercial fishing boats. This year, the Indian government has deployed its own boats to keep commercial fisherman away.
At least half of all Olive Ridley nest on Indian shores, according to the Odisha Wildlife Foundation,
A single Olive Ridley can lay 100 eggs before heading back out to sea.
Once fully grown, an Olive Ridley can reach up to 2 feet in size.
Himalayas visible for first time in 30 years as pollution levels in India drop
As the lockdown to stop the spread of coronavirus in India continues, pollution levels across much of the country have dropped sharply. Now some residents in northern India say they can see the snow-capped Himalayas 200 kilometres away for the first time in 30 years.

A talented farmer has created his own heartwarming tribute to the British National Health System (NHS) by using his tractor to plough a giant rainbow into one of his fields.
33-year-old Jack Pantall used an aerial drone camera connected to his phone in order to map out the huge image of the NHS logo and the “Stay Safe” rainbow in appreciation for Britain’s healthcare workers battling the COVID-19 outbreaks.

The massive image measures in at 60 meters (196 feet) tall and 152 meters (500 feet) wide on his farm near Staunton-on-Wye in Herefordshire.
The Safest Man on The Planet
On October 27, 2019, Bert terHart sailed out of Victoria, BC, Canada on his 40′ ocean faring sailboat. His goal? To circumnavigate the globe non-stop, and without the aid of any electronic navigational devices. He hopes to become the first North American to ever complete this type of journey using only a sextant, almanac, pen, paper, and logbook for navigation.
Coincidentally, Bert already has become, literally, the safest person on the planet, bobbing about at sea on a voyage planned long before the COVID-19 pandemic began.
At the time of this writing, April 1, Bert was nearing Australia, two-thirds of the way through his journey. Many battles have been waged and won aboard the Seaburban, including violent weather, emergency repairs, extreme temperatures from roasting to freezing, and moldy
Self-Isolating Seniors Stave Off Boredom by Playing Life-Sized ‘Hungry, Hungry Hippos’
As a means of staving off self-isolation boredom, these delighted seniors and their nursing home caretakers played a game of real-life Hungry, Hungry Hippos.
In a video that was published by the Bryn Celyn Care Home in Maesteg, Wales last week, four elderly women in wheelchairs were filmed giggling away as they were rolled around a room similarly to the classic children’s game.
Since the video was published to Facebook on Thursday, it has already racked up more than 1.8 million views. ❤❤

Stories via The Good News Network.