Home Local InfoOfficial News Spanish Airport Strikes Called Off

Spanish Airport Strikes Called Off

by Loraine Gostling

The threat of strikes hitting Spanish airports, including those at Alicante-Elche and San Javier, has been lifted, after a provisional agreement between the unions and the state-owned airport management companies AENA and ENAIRE.

The only issues outstanding at a meeting on Tuesday were pay rises and the unions’ requirement for 600 extra staff to be taken on, in addition to those replaced due to voluntary exits and retirements.

Details of the agreement have not been made public, though the scheduled dates of strike action through to the end of the year have been scrapped.

Previous Story…………..

A GENERAL strike across 25 of Spain’s airports may run for 25 individual days from September 15 through November and December as workers protest over job conditions and pay unless prior negotiations manage call a halt to it. This is separate to the current industrial action at Barcelona airport.

The strikes will be joined by workers across the board – car park staff, firefighters, luggage-belt operators, electricians, retail and catering, security, IT and control tower maintenance, in fact anyone who works for the airport infrastructure governing body AENA or the airport management public-sector run Enaire will be called to strike.

The UGT says it is ‘confident’ strike action will be avoided by successful negotiations ahead of the dates.

Staff will down tools for 24 hours on September 15, 17, 22, 24 and 29, then on October 1, 6, 11, 15, 27, 30 and 31.

Strikes will continue on November 3 and 5 and on7, December 1, 4, 5, 8, 10 and from December 26 to 30 inclusive, affecting Christmas travel.

Anyone planning to travel between September and New Year should keep a note of the dates and, if they are impossible to avoid, allow several extra hours for delays on the day of their flights.

More explanation regarding this potential strike can be found at Think Spain

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