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Helga The Oracle

by Loraine Gostling

Let me introduce myself and let you know a little about what makes me tick.  

My name for the purpose of this blog is Helga the Oracle …    I need to be able to go out without getting a poke in the eye!  But that does not mean I know it all and have the answer to everything although I think my other half thinks I do.   

I have lived on the Costa Blanca for long enough for my Spanish to be embarrassing as I should know more and I don’t.  I Have lived in several parts of the world over the years but always fancied Spain for no apparent reason that ever smacked me between the eyes, it just seemed the right thing to do at the time and this has proven to be correct many times. 

I like good food and bad; wine but only white and not sweet ever,  cannot drink red any more; gin and tonic; mountains; the AP7 from Denia to Altea Mascarat tunnel at all times of the year…such a magnificent stretch of road; dancing; walking; meeting folks (and avoiding some of them); bars; museums; old buildings; art; crafts…..  the list is endless.

Embarking upon this mission to share, I do solemnly swear that I will name no names and lay no blame. 😉 

Like most people, I have to work to keep food on the table and the bills paid, my work  can be very long hours, it can be very cold, wet and miserable, or so hot it feels like I will explode, there are never two days the same. I meet lots and lots of people every day and lets not start on the tax and social security payments, but the health care is brilliant! With time I think some will work out what my real name is as my scribbling’s will be affected by the work I do…

I have views  about all kinds of subjects and will try to keep them fun when ever possible, stories I could tell….breath people I said no names! I will have facts and opinions  on life and living in our stunning part of the world and would like to share them. You may or mat not agree with me but I am not seeking to offend or hurt, just share the mess my keyboard throws at the screen after 15 years of life in “Paradise” 😉 


Helga xx

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