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Security Issues… A “Must Read” and Check List for Your Homes

by Loraine Gostling

This very well written article by Paul Johnson was picked up from the Javea Connect group a while ago. As it was in a closed group, it was not possible to share it and so we thought that by making it into a feature on the website, more people would be able to read his recommendations and absorb his words of wisdom.

Paul Tells Us:-

“Due to the recent break ins around the local area, I thought I would write some recommendations on security measure that can be done around your home. This is not meant to insult any persons but just to give you some ideas. I have been involved in Security most of my working life and would like to give some helpful advice to people.

• When away from your home for any length of time try and not advertise it on any social sites, if you do, then thank an imagery family member for staying in your home while you are away.
• Tell your neighbour that you are going away and that no builders and the like are going to your property. If there is then give the name of the contractor.
• If you have a second car parked up then ask a neighbour to move it if possible to a different parking area, this will seem that there is someone at the property.
• If you have an alarm company inform them that you are away and if the alarms go off to phone the police straight away, without informing you first.
• Check that you have enough security signage on display, if its old and faded then get the security company to replace it.
• Place the alarm box so that it is visible and not just from the front of the house, if needed a dummy box can be placed on the wall.
• Noise is good make sure that your alarms will annoy the neighbours so that they would respond.
• Get some switch timers for lights, TV and radio, then set at different times throughout the day and night. Think about having lights come on and a TV or Radio so that it can be heard from the outside.
• Outside security lighting is a must.
• Ask your neighbour to remove all post from the mail box.
• Take photographs of your sentimental and also expensive items and keep these safe and remember to get a value on these or keep the purchase receipt safe and remember to write down the serial number.
• Consider a safe.
• Think about a neighbourhood watch. Be a observant neighbour, if you see people hanging around then without causing any likely harm to yourself take a photo of the car or persons. If they look like contractors then you can say hello to them and ask them for a contact phone number, as you are thinking of having works done yourself anything to make them feel nervous and they will hopefully drive away. Or just phone the alarm company or police. The alarm company should respond without the alarms sounding if it is reported to them that suspicious activity is taking place.”

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