Home Local InfoOfficial News New Opportunities In Pedreguer

New Opportunities In Pedreguer

by Loraine Gostling

Reported today by La Marina Plaza…..

“The City Council of Pedreguer has launched a new Plan for the Promotion of Local Employment in 2018, which will serve to address the situation of unemployed people in the municipality. The aim of the initiative is to support people with difficulties of integration in the labor market, through training, the attainment of work experience and the improvement of employment opportunities. The plan will be financed entirely by the municipality and has a specific appropriation of 200,000 euros in the 2018 budget.

An aerial view of Pedreguer.

The beneficiaries will be given an employment contract and will charge the corresponding proportional part according to the Minimum Inter-professional Salary. The groups most affected by the crisis and the long-term unemployed will have preference to participate in the plan.

 Those people who want to participate, must submit the application (along with the documentation indicated in the rules of the call) in the Registration Register of the City of Pedreguer between January 29 and February 9. A technical commission will evaluate and select the candidates, who will start working on March 1.”

The bases that will govern the selection process can be found in the link http://pedreguer.sedelectronica.es. In addition, for any questions you can go to the town hall or Creama Pedreguer.

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