Home Local Info Support World Cancer Day and Cancer Care Javea.

Support World Cancer Day and Cancer Care Javea.

by Loraine Gostling


Massive effort has always been put in to our local Cancer Care Charity Centre by a fantastic lady called Maggie, who, as many of you will know works endlessly raising funds that support local hospitals, hospices and sufferers of this awful disease. So between now and the close of play on the 4th February, ( and after of course) let’s see how much we “Connectors” can raise for Maggie N Ian Mackenzie and her wonderful team. 
Right now, they do not have a Paypal account but you can donate any amount at all by bank transfer as follows:-

Cancer Care Jávea at Sabadell
ES20 0081 0660 0200 0143 8754. 
As they say at Tesco “Every Little Helps”… In this case it helps A LOT!!!!

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