Home Costa Blanca Time For Change… Or Not As The Case May Be In 2019

Time For Change… Or Not As The Case May Be In 2019

by Loraine Gostling

The EU it seems, is doing away with the twice-yearly clock changes and has given member states until April 2019 to decide if they will remain on summer or winter time. But there are fears Europe is heading for time-zone chaos. 

European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc  announced last Friday that the EU will stop the twice-yearly changing of clocks across the continent in October 2019.

The practice, which was used as a means to conserve energy during the World Wars as well as the oil crises of the 1970s, became law across the region in 1996.

All EU countries are required to move time forward by one hour on the last Sunday of March and back by an hour on the final Sunday in October.

Bulc said EU member states would have until April 2019 to decide whether they would permanently remain on summer or winter time. 

And as for the UK…. well it’s really now just a matter of “Tick-a-Tick-a-Brexit!!!

The clocks will go back one hour at 3am  on Sunday 28th October 2018. 

Read more from the source of this story at DW.Com


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