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Sports Associations in Javea

by Loraine Gostling

A “Just For Information” article.

Someone asked recently if a volleyball club existed in Javea. We managed to find a list of local clubs on the Ajuntament website so thought to pass this on and we are happy to add more if you know of any not included. 

 The following is a list of local associations

  • Club of Equestrian Activities “El Tiraset” Xàbia.
  • Club d’Atletisme LLebeig. C / Csista Mossén Febrer, 1-b 1º izqu. Tel. 651 479 222.  http://www.callebeigxabia.es/
  • Club d’Arquers Xàbia. C / Avuitarda, 2. Tel. 646 619 976. • Email: [email protected]
  • Club Bàsquet Joventut Xàbia. Avinguda dels Furs, 14. • http://www.joventutxabia.org
  • Badminton Club Jávea. Casa Blanca, C / Benimagrell, 19 (Urb. Los Almendros) Moraira. Tel. 609 512 745. http://www.clubbadmintonjavea.eu
  • Javea Bridge Club. Avd. Paris, 2. Tel. 96 579 36 71. • http://www.javeabridgeclub.com
  • Cycling Club Bicycles Gurugu Xàbia. Avd. Furs, 27. Tel. 96 628 95 93. • Email: [email protected]
  • Cyclist Club “Els Mussols Xàbia”. Avd. Lepanto, Tel. 96 646 11 50. http: //www.xabiasbike.com
  • Cyclist Club Jávea. C / Ronda Sur, 50. PO Box, 174. • Tel. 646 466 925
  • Association of Capoeira Remnants Xàbia. Page facebook: Capoeira Regional School Remnants-Xàbia. • Email: [email protected]
  • Club of Hunters “The Union of Javea”. Post box 280. • Email: [email protected]
  • Club Colombicultor of Coloms Esportius. C / Santa Clara, 2. • Tel. 633 400 044
  • Club Deportivo Dojo Shotokan-Ryu Xàbia. C / Freginal, 44. Tel. 625 711 751. • Email: [email protected]
  • Club Deportivo Jávea. C / Safranera, s / n • http://www.cdjavea.es
  • Sports Club Montgó Xàbia. Tel. 671 615 123. [email protected]
  • Washinkai Sports Club. Avda. Jaime I, 12. tel. 646 748 383. http://www.washinkai.org
  • Club d’Escacs Xàbia. C / Cronista Mossén Febrer, 3-4ª. Tel. 659 826 070. • Email: [email protected]
  • Journey Center of Jávea . C / Cronista Mossén Febrer, 5. • Tel. 965 795 700. • Email: [email protected]
  • Club Football the Marina Xàbia. (Penya the marina). C / Triana, 8-2º. Tel. 605 898 266. http://www.penyalamarina.com
  • Fútbol Club Friends of Jávea. Tel. 96 577 18 14. • http://wwww.fcamigos.com
  • Javea Golf Club. Ctra. Jávea-Benitachell, 285.Km 4.5. Tel.965792584. http://www.clubdegolfjavea.com
  • Club Gimnàstica Rítmica Xàbia. C / Ríu, 11 F. Tel. 620 482 478. http://www.xabiaritmica.com
  • Club Handbol Xàbia. • https: www.facebook.com/ club handbol Xàbia.
  • Club of Judo Dojo Of Javea . Camí vell de Gata, 24. Tel. 600 225 513. • Email: [email protected]
  • Javea School of Bridge and Social Club. Avd. Tamarits. Block 80. Block I.Tel. 96 577 05 06. • http://www.bridgewebs.com/javeachoolsocial
  • Club of Karate Dachi Jávea. Avd. Rey Jaime I, 12-1-4. Tel. 639 376 109. • Email: [email protected]
  • Club Muay Thai . Tel. 629 621 196. • http: // www.clubmuaythaixabia.blogspot.com
  • Club Náutico Jávea. C / Muelle Norte, s / n. Tel. 965 791 025. • http://www.cnjavea.net
  • Club Petanca Montgó. C / Patricio Ferrandíz, 40. Denia. Tel. 615 489 684. http://montgopetanca.net
  • Club of Pilota Xàbia . Avinguda dels Furs, 14. • Tel. 676 733 069
  • Club Piraguismo Jávea . C / Genova, 2. Tel. 649 409 759. http://www.clubpiraguismojavea.es/
  • Xàbia Rugby Club . Avd. Pla, 126-2-9. Tel. 669 367 664. 
  • Javea Surf Club . Avd. Llibertat, 36-3B. • Tel. 658 900 807
  • Javea Tennis Club . Avd. Pla, 118. Tel. 96 579 02 89. • http://www.clubtenisjavea.com
  • Los Pinos Tennis Club. C / Cabo la Nao Pla, 11. Tel. 96 647 25 29. http://www.tenis.net
  • Table Tennis Association . Avd.Furs, 14.
  • Xàbia Volleyball Club . Avda. Dels Furs, 14. Tel. 639 219 722. http://www.voleixabia.com  


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