Home Costa BlancaBenitachell Protesting For and From The Heart

Protesting For and From The Heart

by Loraine Gostling

“Heart” is the name that has been given to the bull who died of a heart attack last July during local fiestas in El Poble Nou de Benitatxell.

The video above shows the heartfelt pleas of the group in asking for changes in the law to stop this Spanish tradition.

Yesterday, in Benitachell, a protest meeting was held in the town square, which was very well attended by animal rights supporters who very much wish to see an end to the use of live bulls in Spain’s fiestas. 

The event featured the presence and poems of the poet Ángel Padilla , whose animalist poetry has been analysed in  Pádova’s : “Nuove voci impegnate della letteratura europea” . Also attending was the flamenco dancer “La Madueño” , who recited, among others, the poem “Tauromañana”.

There were more than 60 people attending the event, several from the Valencian community and many other supporters from Germany, England and several Latin American countries.

The lawyer Iratxe Arruti, president of ASPAC and advisor to the activist group, pointed out  “there are two ways to forge laws, one by decree and, if there is no unanimous political will, with street fighting. After all, the social struggle is what makes people evolve “ 

The mayor of Benitatxell, Josep Femenía, recognized defender of ecology, although not present in the protest, he was present in front of the doors of the City Council during the whole event as a sign of respect for the demonstrators. He said ” the government team does not make any observation of fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression “ and emphasized when stating ” El Poble Nou de Benitatxell has been one of the first towns in the Marina Alta region that have had the political courage to remove the ‘Bou embolat’ and the ‘Bou encaixonat’ although it is necessary to remember that we do not make the laws or regulations, we suffer the laws and regulations.

Previous story can be read here

If you wish to add your support and learn about further events such of this, please like their Facebook page, Ni bous a la mar Ni bous al carrer Festa Sense Animals. 

Story, video and photo from Teulada Moraira Digital

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