Javea Local Police have launched a campaign to explain the regulations that apply to personal mobility vehicles (PMVs) such as scooters.
According to the councillor for Citizen Protection and Mobility, Juan Ortolá, “many users of this type of vehicle travel in accordance with the regulations of the General Directorate of Traffic but there are still some who don’t know or abide by them, and for this reason Police have started this informative campaign”.
VMPs must circulate on the road as close as possible to the right-hand side of the road, or in single lanes, or on the right-hand side of the road or the single lanes or those authorised as cycle lanes.
Users must wear a helmet and carry liability insurance.
In addition, the scooter must be fitted with a bell, front and rear lights, as well as approved reflective elements. For riding at night or in low visibility conditions, drivers must wear a reflective vest.
Another of the obligations of PMV drivers is that they must respect the traffic regulations: stop signs, yield signs, pedestrian crossings etc.
The campaign also aims to raise awareness.
Penalties can be imposed for the following behaviours:
-Exceeding the maximum speed of 25km/h, driving on crossings and inter-urban roads.
-Driving on pavements and pedestrian areas.
-Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
-Driving while wearing headphones, using mobile phones and/or other devices that diminish the driver’s attention.
Riding with another person on a scooter.
Information supplied from the press-office at Javea Council.