Home Costa Blanca Pedreguer Rastro Market

Pedreguer Rastro Market

by Loraine Gostling

Bargains galore can be found at this very popular market, just a short drive away in Pedreguer.

Pedreguer market has something for everyone. It is huge and always busy but bargain hunters should make their way to this Rastro market and car boot held every Sunday on the Industrial estate at Av. del País Valencià, 03750.

Pedreguer is famous for its leather goods, bags and hats but you will find plenty of stalls and shops to wander around and there are a few cafes and vans selling refreshments. During hot weather, remember to wear a hat as the market is in full sun most of the time.

There is also a lovely Churro van and man!

Open from 8 am until around 2pm.

To book a stall, call Pedreguer Town hall and ask for Raquel  – 965 76 06 69

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