Home Local InfoChildren Children’s Summer Schools 2024

Children’s Summer Schools 2024

by Loraine Gostling

More camps and courses will be added as and when we receive further information.

These are the camps we have been told about to date:-

Dar Kids – 1st July to 13th September

Indomove 1st July to 6th September

Lots of choices at Easy Education

Footworks – 1st to 20th July

Kawana – 2nd July to 30th August

F.C Amigos Football Camp 1st July to 30th August

Montgo Vall Equestrian Centre – 1st July to 23rd August

Los Pinos – 1st July to August 3oth

Triskel – 25th to 18th June

The Language Place – 1st to 26th July

 The ‘Toro Prats’ Club will open the doors of the Campus starting July 1, offering young people a unique and enriching experience that combines sport, creativity and adventure. This campus is aimed at children from 7 years old and will take place at the Palau d’esports Miguel Buigues Andrés.

Gymnastics at IES Antoni Llido

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