Home Local Info Out and About….L’Albufera National Park

Out and About….L’Albufera National Park

by Loraine Gostling

L’Albufera Natural Park is one of the most representative and valuable coastal wetlands in the Valencia Region. Covering an area of 21 hectares, it is located just 10 km from Valencia. Its ease of access makes it a perfect location in which to contemplate nature.

Throughout the year, the rich biodiversity of this protected natural park enables visitors to observe a large variety of fauna and flora.

it was declared a Natural Park IN 1986 and has received international recognition, in 1990 it was incorporated into the Ramsar Convention’s List of Wetlands of International Importance and in 1994, it was declared an SPA (Special Protection Area). 

It is possible to enjoy routes through all of its environments: the paddy fields (visitors are recommended to consult the hunting season dates beforehand); the sandbar, and particularly its central area, known as La Devesa; the beach, with its seafront dunes, transitional dunes, “malladas” (inter-dune depressions) and the internal dune system. One of the most attractive and popular routes, is a trip on the Albufera lake aboard a typical boat known as an “albuferenc”.

The Natural Park and its catchment area have a wide range of hotels, campsites, restaurants.

For more information call or visit the Albufera Natural Park Interpretation Centre (Centro de Interpretación del Parc Natural de l’Albufera) (Raco de l’Olla).

Free admission but it is important to book for groups.

The centre has an exhibition dedicated to the Albufera Natural Park and “Racó de l’Olla”, where the centre is located. The Centre also has a bird observatory and lookout tower.

Address and Map Link: Mata de l’antina, Valencia


  • Information and bookings 961 627 345 ( 9am to 2pm)
  • Information 961 620 101

email: [email protected]

Calendar, routes, bus schedules and more information:( The car journey is around 75 minutes from Javea.)

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