Home Local Info New Ferry Route from Ireland to Spain

New Ferry Route from Ireland to Spain

by Loraine Gostling

Brittany Ferries announced a new route into northern Spain.

Starting at the end of April, the service will link Cork and Santander, making two return-sailings a week. The move will be the first time there has ever been a ferry service linking Ireland and Spain.

A new ship will be chartered to serve the route to Spain, and to deliver an additional weekly return-sailing from Cork to Roscoff.To be called Connemara, she will follow the successful économie model that the company has established on services from the UK to France & Spain.

She will carry around 500 passengers with space for 195 cars and hosts 2,225 lane metres of garage space. Brittany Ferries expects a fifty-fifty split between passengers and freight carried.

Link to website and booking page

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