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Going Bananas

by Loraine Gostling

This week, I am removing my Javea Connect hat and becoming a little more fruity with you all!

When I say “fruity”, I am actually quite fruit specific… a banana, to be exact.

Please bear with me as this story will eventually get to the point but I need to go back in time a little… well 3 years ago to be pretty precise, when a post appeared on the JC group, asking for people to may like to get together and form an amateur dramatic group . The idea at the time was geared toward The Rocky Horror Picture Show, a movie I had only seen once (partially) had not understood what the hell was going on BUT.. I did know how to “Timewarp” from parties back in the 70’s, when  I was young and I could dance for more than 10 minutes without having to call an ambulance. 

But I digress… so I duly commented on the post that I could “do the Timewarp” and from then on, my life changed dramatically ( s’cuse the pun).  From that day on, things never looked back.  About 25 people gathered in Javea one Sunday afternoon and it did not take long for many of us to “click”.  Although we had no name  at the time, Bananadrama had been born!

3 years later, we are not so much a drama group, as a family. People have come and gone , as will always happen, but there are a core team that put their heart and soul into the shows for no financial reward whatsover  and now I cannot imagine life without them. The Bananas have already raised around 9,000 euros for Cancer Care and Help of Dama and now the latest show “Adrian” is about to hit Alcalali Broadway next week.

Now,  I hear you all say “Never heard of it”.. well no, you probably haven’t , but believe me, it is a very funny script, played in Panto style, with songs that most people will know and can sing along with. So please, if you want a very different night out , do come along and support our bunch of Bananas and if there is anyone out there who would like to join us in the future, we always need new people. It matters not if you have never set foot on stage before ( many of us had not) all you need is a sense of fun,  team spirit and can be free most Saturday afternoons.   Slip over and see us next week at Careline Theatre or you can get in touch with the group on Facebook.

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