“Is this scaremongering? You bet the hell it is!”
This week has been the worst on record for as long as I can remember! Some violent and devastating fires have been burning in the region, on one occasion, the one in the national news this week in Llutxent, which the emergency services have only managed to stabilise after 3 grueling days and nights.
Each spark has the potential to turn into a disaster, not unlike the Javea fire of 2 years ago and those raging in the USA now, with a massive loss of life, property and no doubt animals.
Before you light your BBQ ask yourself a few questions. Can I lawfully have one? Find out from your town hall if you can. Have I taken precautions to minimise any risk? Hose pipe/sand bucket/fire blanket etc. Gas rather than charcoal or wood. Are any stray sparks going to set fire to nearby trees? Do I need a spark inhibitor? FIND OUT before it’s too late! Go to your Town Hall and ask what the local rules are.
They say it’s never too late. Well in some cases it is. Fire has a life of it’s own. We are not equipped to manage fire. Only the experts have the knowledge and equipment to deal with fire.
However there are precautions you can take. Look under the “Files” section of the Local Waether and Firewatch group. Familiarise yourself with precautions you can take yourselves. Consider preparing an evacuation pack. You never know when you may wish you had already prepared it. There is a document under the files tab giving you some tips.
There are also posters under the files section, in several languages, for rental properties to alert people to the danger of fire. Feel free to download them.
Is this scaremongering? You bet the hell it is! Don’t leave yourselves thinking you wish you should have or could have done something to prevent a fire. 80% of fires are caused by negligence. Don’t become a statistic and stay as safe as you can in this high risk time.
Here is the English version of the poster ( You will need to click on the photo and save) and we will issue a new article soon containing the poster in all languages.
And here is another link explaining what to do if you are forced to evacuate at any time due to fire or flood. Evac Pack