Home Local Info Clunk-Click and Don’t Drive Like a D**k !

Clunk-Click and Don’t Drive Like a D**k !

by Loraine Gostling

During the last holiday period,  almost 300 motorcycle patrols were watching drivers throughout the country, using “Velolasers.” (small, extremely effective modern radars)

291 officers set out to patrol the roads equipped, with 60 of these velolasers that can simultaneously control two lanes and catch vehicles moving up to a speed of 250 km/h. They also are able to spot passengers who are not wearing seat belts.

In addition, they carry breathalyzers and portable devices for performing rapid drug tests.

The first such traffic control action

As the Spanish Minister of the Interior states, the control action, which is the first one in Europe, aims to minimize three factors that are the main causes of accidents: alcohol, drugs and excessive speed.

A 200 euro fine for “Sheriffs of the Left Lane”

The police will punish drivers who unreasonably occupy the overtaking road strip.

According to art. 31 of the General Road Traffic Regulation (Reglamento General de Circulación), drivers using the dual carriageway should drive the right lane, unless they are overtaking. 

The expected fine to a driver who persistently uses the left lane in Spain, is 200 euros.

In 2017, the Spanish traffic police installed 255 special radars, whose task is to detect this type of offense (their location will be checked on DGT’s website).

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