Home Costa BlancaJavea Channel 4 Returns Looking for Those New Lives in the Sun!

Channel 4 Returns Looking for Those New Lives in the Sun!

by Loraine Gostling

You may remember, in February, watching our local restaurant V-Thos, appearing on TV in Channel 4’s New Life in the Sun in February? Well, if you didn’t, then this link tells a little more. There was a lot of excitement on the Arenal last year whilst filming the series, so here is further opportunity for another local new venture to have major TV coverage following them in their journey to success somewhere in one of of beautiful local towns. 

“True North Productions are looking again for new contributors for their popular and long running Channel 4 series ‘A New Life in the Sun’ If you’re a Brit who has recently moved or planning to move to Spain with the intention of setting up a new life and a business, then they want to hear from you! Please send them an email at [email protected] if you’re interested or know someone who might be!”

Fast forward a little to 10:20 on video above to see Lisa and her team at V-Thos in one of the episodes from 2017.  

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