In addition to the Denia and Valencia Fallas.. more cancellation of events have been notified by Javea Town Hall today.
The city council has announced the suspension of all cultural events, fairs in the Market and the international chess tournament. Maintaining educational workshops
The mayor of Javea, José Chulvi, has today conveneda coordination meeting with all the departments following the health crisis arising from the coronavirus. The executive, following sanitary instructions , has agreed to suspend the following activities organised by the City Council itself and scheduled for the next few days:
THURSDAY, March 12: Dijous de Comèdia
SATURDAY March 14:
- Fresh produce fair at the Municipal Market
- On the initiative of the promoters, the Gall Festival is postponing this event  scheduled for Saturday at the Riurau d’Arnauda. The organisation will already provide a new date for those interested.
- Theater “Pepita and Mariua”
SUNDAY, March 15:
The Brotherhood of the Nazareno has been informed that, following the sanitary councils that advise against the holding of mass acts, they consider it appropriate to suspend or postpone the procession of Bajada de Jesús Nazareno. The City Council leaves in the hands of the Brotherhood the decision to postpone the procession until sanitary conditions allow it or to lower the image on the planned date but without the company of the procession.
It has also been agreed with the parish to postpone the liturgical acts that accompany it: Mass and Novena.
WEDNESDAY, March 18: Concert inside the Mercat
FRIDAY, March 20: Children’s storytelling
SATURDAY, March 21:
- Cinema in Valencia
- Nits de Teatre
The City Council also suspends, until the health emergency is over, the events programmed by the associations of retirees – considered risk groups – within the social centres of the municipality. It also recommends festive commissions and associations to avoid activities (bingo, dance, etc.) that involve high concentration of people in enclosed spaces.
In relation to the sports agenda, clubs are subject to the instructions decided by each federation. At the moment, the international Chess tournament scheduled for Saturday in the municipality has been postponed.
Regarding educational workshops, the calendar is maintained as long as it does not produce any instruction at the regional level in the field of Education. We remind that the Ministry is the competent Administration to suspend the teaching activity in schools and secondary schools in this type of situation.
All these decisions have been communicated to the political parties with municipal representation in a meeting of spokespersons held at 1.30 pm.
The City Council asks the population for all their collaboration and responsibility in assuming the self-protection and containment councils before COVID 19 provided by the Ministry of Health.
The executive will be in permanent contact with the Ministry of Health and the health team of the Marina Alta area to follow the evolution of this pandemic and be properly advised in order to make those decisions that guarantee public health, which will be announced to the population through the official channels of the City Council.