Home Local Info All The Thanks Cristina Needs.. The Investigations on Nolotil Continue

All The Thanks Cristina Needs.. The Investigations on Nolotil Continue

by Loraine Gostling

Following the article regarding the success of Cristina Garcia del Campo’s campaign to have the potentially dangerous pain-killer Nolotil banned for Anglo-Saxons by the Denia Health Authority, news reached the family of William (Billy) Smyth, who died of Sepsis in 2016 due to being prescribed Nolotil for back pain relief. In response, many of Billy’s family members (some even as far away as Australia and the USA), including Billy’s son, brother and sister,  have written to Cristina, telling her how very happy they are that she has made this huge breakthrough. It was especially poignant to them as the news reached them on the anniversary of Billy’s death.

“My brother William (Billy) Smyth was given this drug for back pain and died from sepsis on 17/04/2015. He was 66 years old and swam about three miles in the sea every morning. When he lived in Ireland he was head of the sub aqua in our home town. I thank you sincerely for getting this taken off the market. It’s two years too late for my brother but hopefully it will save many lives in the future. My brother’s anniversary is today RIP.”

Now, after the successful results of her investigation in the Denia Region, she is working hard to achieve the same results in the rest of Spain. “Please, PLEASE, report your cases to me by filling out the form: https://jumpshare.com/v/yuhCtW9SYF0ws7hRQgdU and e-mail it to me at [email protected]. To be able to achieve results more quickly, I NEED YOU ALL TO GIVE ME THE NAME OF THE HOSPITAL OR HEALTH CENTRE WHERE YOU HAD THE PROBLEM WITH NOLOTIL”

The story will also be published this week in the Costa Blanca News and on Friday 20th April, Cristina will be joining Kal and Rosy on their show on Bay Radio at 4pm to talk more about how she became so passionate about this inquiry and what still needs to be done now that the first hurdle has been cleared.

“Dear Cristina. We are so grateful to you for your efforts to help families like ourselves, who have been so devastated by the impact of this drug and more importantly, to prevent further victims of Metamizol’s side effects.”

The word is certainly getting out there now, as was proven by an email received from a carer advising that she had received a message from the Valencian Government, telling her not to use Metamizol on Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians. Cristina had no previous knowledge of this person and so it proves that the directive is being received and noticed in the right places!

Keep going Cristina, You are saving lives!!

Previous article can be read here


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