Home Costa BlancaJavea 2 Men Charged with Javea Burglaries

2 Men Charged with Javea Burglaries

by Loraine Gostling

During the past four months there have been more than 10 local shops burgled in the old town, port and the Arenal.

Original story and photos La Marina Plaza

Image captured by the cameras of one of the assaulted establishments.

La Guardia Civil has arrested two Moroccan men who are the alleged perpetrators of the wave of these crimes A third person has not yet been apprehended. 

They way the thieves worked was always the same: they entered the premises by breaking windows or doors with a heavy object and went directly to the cash registers, which they ripped away and removed.

The cameras in some stores managed to record them while committing the crimes. Thanks to theses recordings, the Civil Guard has managed to identify them. After being arrested, and brought to justice, they have been now released on charges.

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