Home Costa Blanca World’s Biggest Eye Contact Experiment 2019 – Denia

World’s Biggest Eye Contact Experiment 2019 – Denia

by JC Admin

Where has the human connection gone? Share 1 minute of eye contact to find out…

Let’s share a minutes eye contact with strangers in public to reinforce and bring greater awareness of our sense of shared humanity in Denia!

This is part of The World’s Biggest Eye Contact Experiment created and organised during 4 years by The Liberators International and we, Buddha Theatre in colaboration with Grupo Atman, Gimnasio Qfitness Denia, Cultura Sostenible Dénia y Sollvision, have the honor to pick up the torch and organise the 2019 event worldwide and, of course, here in Denia. Your participation will help create a global message of peace and human connection for years to come.


When & where?
Crossing of C Marqués de Campo and C Diana
Saturday 21st of September, on International Peace Day, from 18h until 21h.

What to bring?
Let’s bring picnic rugs, blankets or… and pillows, cushions or whatever you think will be comfortable to sit, and invite members of the public to come and share a moment of eye contact with us. Instead of pillows you can also bring 2 folding chairs, this makes it easier for the elderly to sit.

This event is totally free. For the 5th year, many people worldwide have been giving their time during months to prepare and coordinate this global event. There are overhead costs like websites that need to be build, servers hired, mailing lists to be maintained, … Honestly, there are different reasons why The Liberators are taking a break and Buddha Theatre picked up the torch but one of them is an economical one. We want to make this event available to every single person on the planet so it is and will always be free. If you were able to appreciate the power of what true connection can do for you, how it can bring peace to the world and you wish The Liberators’s events to continue so that people after you can still enjoy the beauty of an authentic connection then leave an affordable  donation at the page of The Liberators below. All donations are 100% destined for The Liberators. We, as your local host, Buddha Theatre and its collaborators offer all contributions to the Liberators. Our dream is to have the whole world sit in peace. Your donation, small or big, brings us one step closer.

How You Can Help
1. We are currently searching for volunteers to help launch the experience. So tell us if you’d like to help organise this with us by commenting on the page…or send me a private message!
2. Click attending on this event
3. Invite your interested friends and family to this event and the global event.
4. Share this event on your facebook wall.

Show the world that you’re participating at this beautiful event by adding the Facebook profile frame ‘Eye Contact Experiment 2019’. Just click the link below to add it to your Facebook profile picture:

A big hug!

More information?
The Liberators International
Organisadores al nivel global:
Buddha Theatre
Grupo Atman
Local Organisers:
Gimnasio Q Fitness
Cultura Sosteni

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