Home Costa BlancaJavea Thief arrested

Thief arrested

by Loraine Gostling

Guardia Civil have detained a 24-year-old Spanish man as the alleged perpetrator of the theft of 160 river drainage traps in Javea.

 The traps were transported in his vehicle to a scrap metal shop in Benissa, where they were later sent to be melted down in Valencia. For this reason, three workers of this business have also been charged with receiving stolen goods.

All this after the city council informed the Civil Guard of the theft of these lare covers, which are made of cast iron and are valued at 120 euros each, so the total damage to the town coffers has amounted to 19,200 euros.

In addition, the holes left in streets and roads caused a serious danger for vehicles and pedestrians: in fact, a person was injured with a broken leg when he fell through one of the holes. These events caused growing social alarm.

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