This room meets the requirements both for proximity to the urban centre and for accessibility, connectivity to service networks and there are possibilities to establish a reception area for people apart from the vaccination area itself.

 It would not be the first time that this room had a social health use, since since the beginning of the pandemic it hasbeen used as a blood doner centre and as a temporary shelter in emergency situations.
The immunisation process continues in the Health Centre and is currently they are vaccinating people between 75 and 75 years.
Also this week – ( once the 64/65 years old have been immunised )people of 63 and 62 years have been summoned to be vaccinated in the Dénia space where the innoculations for teachers was also carried out.
The councilor has taken the opportunity to remember that all the appointment for vaccines is being made by telephone and therefore it is vitally important to have the contact telephone number updated in the SIP system, something that can be done at this link .
Those who lack SIP cards and live in Javea can also request to be vaccinated at the email [email protected] or at their health centre, providing a registration certificate less than three months old and their official identification document, as well as the number contact telephone number.
Red Cross support is being provided for the transfer to people who have mobility problems to go to the vaccination center. Those who require this service can call 96 579 19 61.