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The Twenties Roar In

by Loraine Gostling

So..here we are then… 100 years ago we headed into the Roaring Twenties so let’s really hope that the next decade sees some changes to the crap music that we have had to endure over the past few years.  Now I know some may disagree with me ‘cos I am pretty much fossilised now but really, someone needs to take the new Twenties by the nose and up the game by kicking out the usual, same, boring four chords that has run through every “pop” song since Barney the Dinosaur sang “I Love You – You Love Me”.  Now I will not deny the fact that “Baby Shark” has a certain appeal to those who wish to annoy the hell out of their friends and family and it deserves every cent of the 24 million dollar revenue, but really?! (“doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo” )

Sorry.. couldn’t resist it!!

As usual, I had no idea what I intended to be my subject base this week as the past 27 or so weeks of the Christmas break has lost me somewhere in the region of 1.020.000 brain cells –and that is only since December 25th!  But…. the guys and girls on the JC group have been pretty well behaved this year and it was quite refreshing to see a post on the group asking people what they have done to make them feel proud. The stats. tell us that well over 10,000 people engaged in that post and people were happy to tell us their stories, ranging from achievements such as publishing a book; helping charities; rescuing animals; finally getting to grips with learning Spanish and even saving a lives….  to managing not to kill a spouse and most importantly it seems, overcoming a fear of the Labour Government!

So there we have it, a new year, a new decade, another blank page is now about to be written so what is my New Year greeting to everyone? Well, firstly the usual cliché health and happiness but in addition, I wish you all an Ed Sheeran free decade and live in hope that someone, somewhere, is about to change those four chords and hit the Bigtime!!  Oh… and Happy Brexit ( almost forgot about that bugger!)

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