Home Costa BlancaDenia The TIE Card situation in Denia and Benidorm

The TIE Card situation in Denia and Benidorm

by Loraine Gostling
TIE INFO-LATEST 16th July 2021
There is ONE person dealing with TIE appts in the office for July and August. She is responsible for the first appt AND the collection appts. She does not give out the appts o line. These are come from a main admin office. There is no particular time of day that the appts are released so it is “Pot Luck” so to speak.
So for those of you who are not wanting to travel for a day out in Alicante then keep trying for the few released appts in Denia. Remember to collect you have to have an appt too.
If you want to get your TIE sooner then Alicante is more immediate. However a lady managed to book a few appts at Benidorm and was told they release a few when they can!!
I give up !! If you are lucky you may get Benidorm or even Denia.
This was the information given by Alicante recently. Unless the Alicante OEX Ebanistaria office reaches capacity the police will not open up more appointments anywhere else. If people keep waiting for availability in Denia or Benidorm, and no one takes the available appointments in Alicante then there will be less available there too. Basically they don’t want staff sat twiddling their thumbs!
The message from the police was quite clear – they do not want people to wait as there is no guarantee the service in Denia or Benidorm is always available.
It is of course up to each person if they want to exchange their green certificate/card for a TIE. There is no obligation under the WA to do so although the Spanish authorities recommend it as easier to use throughout Spain and other Schengen countries.
At the moment there is lots of availability in Alicante and we advise people to take advantage of whatever appointments are available as there is no way of knowing how long the situation will remain like that.
I hope this clarifies things for you.

By Candida Wright – President of HELP of Marina Alta.

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