Home Local Info The Javea Company demands 620,000 euros compensation for loss of earnings.

The Javea Company demands 620,000 euros compensation for loss of earnings.

by JC Admin

The Jávea Company, the most powerful hotel and catering company in Jávea is at loggerheads with the town hall.

Local people will recall, that in May 2022, local police sealed three of its venues, Acqua, Bámbula and Achill, along with two other locales, Botanico and the Salt.

These five venues, along with two others that did comply with the municipal closure order, were said to lack municipal and regional licences. All seven, at the southern end of the tourist Arenal beach where it was reported that a neighbour, who apparently could not sleep a wink, turned to the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, which in turn, last February gave the council a three-month ultimatum to close these bars and the nightclub.

The conflict has now entered another phase.

The Jávea Company has done “its” accounts and considers that since the police closed Acqua (on March 17the), one of the trendiest bars in Jávea, it has lost earnings of 619,667.75 euros. This amount corresponds to the high season at the end of May, June, July, July, August and September. The company has filed a lawsuit against the town hall and is demanding that it be paid this money.

The municipal legal services do not believe that the company can ask for compensation. In fact, they maintain that a judge has rejected the precautionary measure requested by Jávea Company to be able to reopen this premises while the courts resolve the dispute over the lack of a license and the deficiencies of this business and the others that were closed down.

Acqua is the only one of the three premises of this company at the southern end of the Arenal beach that is still sealed. Other judges did accept the precautionary measure and gave free rein to the company to reopen La Bámbula and the Achill nightclub .

The manager of Jávea Company, Edgar Slama, complained that he had been fighting for 25 years to have a license and could not, was happy that he had won two “battles” against the town hall” . But, each judge is different, and the person who received the request for precautionary measures for Acqua did not overturn the ruling that would have allowed Acqua to re-open.

However, the city council covers its back against the possibility that the lawsuit will succeed. They believe that the company has gone “through the roof “. Therefore, the council has commissioned an expert opinion to examine the amount that the business could have made in those almost summer months.

Story and cover photo: Levante

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