Home Costa Blanca State of Emergency Decree

State of Emergency Decree

by Loraine Gostling

The Government this Saturday decreed a state of alarm for the second time in democracy to stop the expansion of the coronavirus . According to the text that the Council of Ministers is preparing to approve at the extraordinary meeting that is being held in Moncloa , from today the Spaniards are confined to their homes except in specific cases and all State authorities are placed under the orders of the Government of the nation.

On the movement of people, the Government is preparing to approve an order that will only allow you to leave your home in these cases:

1. Acquisition of food, pharmaceuticals and basic necessities.

2. Assistance to health centres.

3. Travel to the workplace to carry out their work, professional or business provision.

4. Return to the place of habitual residence.

5. Assistance and care for the elderly, minors, dependents, people with disabilities or especially vulnerable people.

6. Travel to banks and financial institutions.

7. Due to a major incident.

8. Any other activity properly justified.

Likewise, the circulation of private vehicles on public roads will be allowed to carry out the activities referred to in the previous section or to refuel at gas stations or service stations. In any case, in any displacement the recommendations and obligations dictated by the health authorities must be respected.

Furthermore, the state of alarm puts all security forces, including the Mossos, the Ertzaintza and the local police under the authority of the Interior Ministry. “The members of the State Security Forces and Bodies, the Police Bodies of the autonomous communities and local corporations will be under the direct orders of the head of the Ministry of the Interior, for the purposes of this Royal Decree, as necessary for the protection of people, goods and places, being able to impose extraordinary services for their duration or their nature, “says the decree approved this morning.

Agents are authorized to carry out searches and “checks on people, goods, vehicles, premises and establishments that are necessary.” “To this end, citizens have the duty to collaborate and not hinder the work of the agents of authority in the exercise of their functions,” the text continues.

As an additional resource, “for the effective compliance of the measures, the competent authorities may require the action of the Armed Forces.”

Regarding the movement of people, the Government has approved the following: “During the validity of the state of alarm, citizens will only be able to circulate along the roads for public use to carry out the following activities:

The National Security Situation Committee is activated as an organ to support the Government as the competent authority.

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