Home Local Info Poppy Day in Benidorm

Poppy Day in Benidorm

by Loraine Gostling

After 2020’s behind-closed-doors event, the Royal British Legion’s annual Poppy Appeal launch returns in Benidorm on Saturday 16th October.

There will be a Parade of Standards from 12 noon along the seafront and the main ceremony will take place at the Rincon de Loix from 12:15pm.

You can find more detail about the event at http://counties.britishlegion.org.uk/…/poppy-appeal….

Last year’s Poppy Appeal raised over €75,000 and meant that the Legion was able to provide support to a huge number of local beneficiaries; supporting over 200 cases in the last six months. The money raised in Spain stays in Spain and makes an important contribution to supporting the vulnerable in the community. If you would like to donate, please contact your local branch.

Poppies will be available in all the usual locations, but again, your local branch will be able to provide more information: http://counties.britishlegion.org.uk/…/the-district-its…

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