Home Costa BlancaJavea Montgó Chorale Christmas Concert

Montgó Chorale Christmas Concert

by Loraine Gostling

Once again Montgó Chorale, under its new Musical Director, Jan Dewland, is presenting a concert of Christmas music on Sunday 10th December. The concert will be held at the beautiful Loreto church in Jávea Port. This is often referred to as the Fishermen’s Church, because of its unusual internal roof design. As is the tradition, there will be a retiring collection in aid of Caritas, the church’s charity that supports families in Jávea that are struggling financially.

As usual, the choir will be singing many well-loved carols, some requiring enthusiastic participation from the audience, as well as some beautiful but less familiar items. The concert will begin at 17.00h.

You do not need a ticket. Simply turn up at the door, but be sure to arrive in plenty of time as the church normally fills to capacity. So, why not begin your festive season in style? Come along on December 10th and join them for one of the most enjoyable and traditional of Christmas activities, while at the same time supporting a very important and worthwhile local charity.

If you require any further information, please contact Jan Dewland: by phone on 96 577 0973 or by email at [email protected]

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