Home Local Info Make a Smile this Christmas

Make a Smile this Christmas

by JC Admin

Christmas has traditionally always been an extremely difficult time of year for the children and their Carers, children having been removed from the family home for their own safety and their carers having to be away from their families to look after the children sadly in care homes here on the Coast Blanca.

This will be the 13th year since the “Make A Smile Children’s Christmas Bag Appeal” first launched in 2008 and as last year our on-line Amazon Christmas Bag Appeal was such a huge success, the 108 children have each written their wish lists (bless them!!!) and once again are able to actually choose what they wish to receive from Papa Noel.

This years “Make A Smile’s Christmas Bag Appeal is asking for Amazon vouchers to be able purchase the children’s presents. Of course, if you prefer to bring in local shopping “Gift vouchers” from Carrefour or a bag of practical items (or Christmas treats) which the homes or kids can use like toothbrushes/paste, school supplies, batteries etc., the carers would be eternally grateful. The three drop off points are mentioned on the poster above and the Appeal will run up to the 5th of January to include Los Reyes. We could never make this little bit if Christmas magic happen without the love  and support of you wonderful folks.

P.s. If you have any difficulty purchasing Amazon vouchers or require any more information on helping to make a difference to these children in care this Christmas we are here to help between 10am and 5pm weekdays – Call 965 836 814 or email [email protected] x

For donations via bank transfer:-
Caixaltea ES57 3045 2664 3010 2100 0563
C/ Madrid, 12 03710 Calpe, Alicante
Paypal: [email protected]

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