Home Local InfoOfficial News Conman Fugitive May Have Two Daughters at an International School in Spain

Conman Fugitive May Have Two Daughters at an International School in Spain

by Loraine Gostling

From Sky News…..Police are targeting two young sisters in the hunt for their fugitive father Mark Acklom who is on the run with them in Europe. It is said that Acklom’s two daughters, aged eight and six, are likely to be registered at an international school, probably in Spain, where they have grown up with their Spanish mother.

Acklom, who uses the name Marc Ros Rodriguez and other aliases, is the subject of a European arrest warrant and is on the Crimestoppers and National Crime Agency’s Most Wanted lists.

He is wanted for fraud, an alleged romance scam on Carolyn Woods, who was running a boutique in Gloucestershire when Acklom met her in 2012.

Ms Woods said he told her he was a wealthy Swiss banker and MI6 agent, and promised to marry her during a year-long romance, during which he duped her into lending him her life savings of £850,000.

“We want ex-pats with children in international schools to let us know if they have noticed the recent arrival of a family with two young girls. The family will appear to be Spanish, but all speaking good English.”

Anyone in the UK with information is urged to call, anonymously, the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111, or from Spain dial 900 555 111. Information can also be passed online at the website.

Full story and video Sky News 

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