The Regional Ministry of Health will implement a new system for reading images through Artificial Intelligence (AI) next month. This will be applied in mammograms to assist in the diagnosis of breast cancer and speed up the process.
It was stressed that the use of this technology, due to its capacity to analyse medical images, process multimodal data and offer support in clinical decision-making, has improved the accuracy, speed and efficiency of diagnoses.
In addition to an improvement in diagnoses, prioritising cases of suspicion and reducing time to access treatment, this new reading system with artificial intelligence will initially be applied in four Breast Cancer Prevention units. so that an evaluation of the process can be carried out in order to implement it, from December, in all of the UPCM of the Valencia Region.
Specifically, this pilot project will be installed at the Hospital ClÃnico and Hospital de La Fe in Valencia, the Doctor Balmis hospital in Alicante, and the General Hospital in Castellón. The reading of mammograms with AI will make it possible to stratify the images in those with negative results, intermediate suspicion or high suspicion of possible breast cancer.
This will lead to a 40% reduction in the burden of care in the UPCM and radiology services, as professionals will focus on cases where a suspicion is detected.
It is a project with an investment of 50 million euros, half of which corresponds to the equipment donated by the Amancio Ortega Foundation.
Read more from the source story in Xabia al Dia

Cover photo: Healthcare In