Home Costa BlancaAlcalali Alcalali Blossom Festival

Alcalali Blossom Festival

by 0dayzFrids

We invite you to live life in pink.

They say that colours are a matter of taste. Here you have ours: the pinks and whites that paint the almond fields in February. 

A unique spectacle indeed!  From February 2nd to 24th we celebrated the fourth edition of “Feslalí. Alcalaí in bloom “.

A complete program of activities linked to the landscape, agriculture, gastronomy, culture and sports .


Tree Day: the Almond Tree
16 h: Children’s workshop for watercolors in the Plaça de l’Ajuntament

12 noon: Inauguration of the 4th Almond
Tapas Route in the Plaça de l’Ajuntament Tasting of tapas, food and sweets with almonds as the main ingredient, prepared by our bars, restaurants and shops, from 2 to 24 February 
13 h: Globotada 
17 h: Round Table “Product and gastronomy of the Marina Alta” in the Ethnological Museum. At the end, almonds will be delivered to the attendees

9 am:  IV Photo Marathon # AlcalalíEnFlor. Info and bases at www.alcalaliturismo.com 
10am: Cam inata hiker  among almond trees in bloom. Departure from Plaça de l’Ajuntament 
11 h: Cycling route with family . Departure from the Plaça de l’Ajuntament

10 am: Hiker walk among almond trees in bloom. Departure from the Plaça de l’Ajuntament 
12 h: Tasting of almonds , by Antonio Solanes de Punto Sano and explanatory stand of the varieties of almonds, by the CEIP Mosquera, in the Plaça de l’Ajuntament.


10 h: Hiker walk among almond trees in bloom . Departure from the Plaça de l’Ajuntament 
10 am: Encounter # InstaMeetFeslalí with @igersmarinaalta at the Ethnological Museum 
12:30 am: III Sweet almond confection at Plaça de l’Ajuntament . Info and bases at www.alcalaliturismo.com

6 pm: Training activity “Management of vegetation cover in the agriculture of the Marina Alta”, in the Ethnological Museum. Registration at [email protected] or 96.648.20.24, until Friday, February 8.

9 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.: “Feslalí” school life day: Schools of Llíber, Senija and Alcalalí.

10 h: Hiker walk among almond trees in bloom . Departure from the Plaça de l’Ajuntament 
12: 30h: Live music and dance by the Rascanya group in the Plaça de l’Ajuntament

10 am: Hiker walk among almond trees in bloom . Departure from the Plaça de l’Ajuntament 
11.00 am: Showcooking “Cocina con almendra” in the Plaça de l’Ajuntament 
In charge of the chef Evarist Miralles, of the restaurant El Nou Cavall Verd of La Vall de Laguar, and of the pastry chef Rosanna Aramendi, of Pastry-Bakery Rosanna de Alcalalí . 
1:00 pm: Cooking workshop: almond candy from Alcalalí, aimed at children, in the Plaça de l’Ajuntament

IV Fair of Trades and Products of the Earth

We close “Feslalí. Alcalalí en flor “the last weekend of February with the IV Fair of Crafts and Products of the Earth. During the 23rd and 24th of February we propose a complete program of activities linked to the land, to our local products, gastronomy, music and culture.

10h: Visit to the almond orchards with the SAT Llauradors d’Alcalalí . Activity promoted by the Office of Innovation and Creativity and the Regime of Medi Ambient of the Ajuntament de Dénia. It is part of the Action Plan Dénia & Marina Alta Tastinglife of the Ciutat Creativa de la Gastronomía
11 h: Inauguration of the Fair
11:30 h: Chirimiteros and “muixeranga”
12 h: Tasting of local oils in the Ethnological Museum
12:30 h : Children’s performance by Dani Miquel , at the Plaça de l’Ajuntament from
4 pm to 6 pm: Popular games on Porxe Street at
5:30 pm:Live music by the Jazzy Makers group at the Plaça de l’Ajuntament

10 h: Hiker walk among almond trees in bloom. Departure from the Plaça de l’Ajuntament
11 h: Parade of “Cabuts, dolçaina i tabalet”, by the Colla de Cabuts The Llidoner d’Ador
12 h: Exhibition and delivery of the awards of the IV Photo Marathon # AlcalalíEnFlor , at the Ethnological Museum
12 am to 2 pm: Popular games on Porxe Street
12:30 pm: Presentation of the cultural map of the Marina Alta , by MACMA
16 h: Live music by the Els Jóvens groupat the Plaça de l ‘Ajuntament
18 h: Closing of “Feslalí”

Daily activities:

From February 2 to 24, in “Feslalí, Alcalalí en Flor”, we also offer you the following activities: 
– IV Tapa Route, almond meals and sweets
– Guided visits to the Medieval Tower and the Ethnological Museum from 11 to 14 
– Guided tours for groups: Route “Alcalalí en flor” . Appointment prior to 966482024 / [email protected]

In addition, during Feslalí Alcalalí Accommodations offer discounts. Get informed by clicking here!


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