Maskeraid amateur theatre group are holding auditions for two forthcoming shows and would really like some more men to join our team. The “machos” always seem to be in short supply, and we women just cannot grow beards in time for these shows!
We have had a lot of new people join us recently and have started the auditions for these shows but we cannot go forward until we find at least 2 more men to join us for important roles.
After closing the doors at the Little Shop of Horror,s performed very successfully a few weeks ago, we were really happy to find another 13 people to join the team. YOU can also “Be Part of the Applause” and have a lot of fun at the same time! we are looking to involve still more local people in our next productions. We perform only for fun and charity. Our last show made over 5,000 euros for Cancer Care.
We do still need actors and actresses of all ages and abilities and are specifically seeking people to audition for particular roles in a new comedy play written by some of the cast.
The next productions are:-
1. Adrian – A Musical Fairytale of Happy Endings?…Or is it?

Have you ever thought about what happens when those magical fairytale characters go backstage after their final performance and head back to their lives in Pantoland? Does Pinocchio ever grow into a real man? Is that Fairy Godmother all she claims to be? Was Wee Willy Winkie brought to justice for neighbour harassment? Did poor old Robinson Crusoe get parted from his Man Friday and did Bo Peep’s sheep ever come back or did the wolf get to them before Red Riding Hood recognised him? Did Snow White, Belle, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty ever actually find their Happy Endings?
But the biggest question is my friends…. WHO THE HELL IS ADRIAN?
2. A Very Uncomfortable Affair

Set at Arty and Sissy’s beach house near Studland nudist beach, in Bournemouth, Dorset Set and reflects bohemian life in the mid nineteen-sixties during early summer.
Arthur ‘Arty’ Allingham: Owner of Tynsdale Art Gallery, Kensington. A cheeky Bohemian, naturist, forger and hedonist.
Sissy Allingham-Abbott: Bohemian naturist and hedonist. Partner or wife to “Arty” (we are not actually sure!)
Raymond ‘Ray’ Taylor: Starchy Assistant Bank Manager at Barclays, Guildford.
Norma Taylor: Mousy and quiet, or is she? Wife of Raymond.
Kenneth ‘Ken’ Williams: Heir to a dairy fortune, international playboy and part-time milkman.
Plus, we would welcome people who have an artistic side to them, who can work with our existing team to design and make stage settings and props and help with all backstage jobs and we could really use some expertise from people with sound and/or lighting.
You can read more about us – our future plans and past achievements, all on our website.
**Maskeraid is an even more dramatic offshoot of Javea Connect!😉**

Time for a new adventure
So many people say this about working with theatre groups but the fact is – YES YOU CAN!
Most of our team had never had any experience before, but found that once they took that first step to join, they were hooked!
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