Xabia Jazz

by JC Admin

This weekend Javea’s cultural agenda kicks off with Jazz a 100.

It starts with the project Opus Di jazz project, led by the flautist Juana Guillem, who will be accompanied by her Jazz Trio formed by Pablo Igualada (piano), Pablo Múzquiz (double bass) and Rafa Gálvez (percussion).

The group is made up of Valencian musicians, all of whom are members of the Orquesta Nacional de España, and therefore, great performers trained in classical music.

The concert, scheduled for Saturday 5th February, at 9 p.m. and will be held at the Conservatory of Professional Music with free admission until full capacity is reached.

Also as part of the cultural programme, on Saturday there will be a new date with the Children’s Cinema in Valencià. From 5.30 p.m. at the Casa de Cultura you can enjoy the free film “Pipi
free of charge. This film is recommended for children aged 3 and upwards and deals with how children experience the arrival of a new sibling.

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