Home Costa BlancaGata de Gorgos Woman stabs her husband at home in Gata de Gorgos

Woman stabs her husband at home in Gata de Gorgos

by JC Admin

The man was transferred to the Dénia Hospital to undergo emergency surgery.

On Monday morning, a woman stabbed her spouse at their home in Gata de Gorgos, according to a story released by La Marina Plaza, who had established the news from police sources. 

Two ambulances quickly moved to the scene of the tragic event: one promptly transferred the man to the Dénia Hospital, where he has undergone an emergency operation, while the other took the woman to the municipality’s health centre . The Gata Local Police also attended.

Ambulances and Local Police at the scene of the tragic event.

No further details are known at the moment about the causes of the attack. The event occurred in the urban area of ​​Gata, in the Font del Riu area, and the Civil Guard has taken over the proceedings.

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