Home Costa Blanca Escaped Convict Detained

Escaped Convict Detained

by Loraine Gostling

Tweeted 2 hours ago by Guardia Civil

The escaped man, Guillermo Fernandez Bueno, inprisoned for rape and murder, has been detained at the border of S and .

Bueno and his girlfriend, a social educator he met in prison, were detected at a border crossing.

 Then further news from national media…..

The escape of Guillermo Fernández Bueno, convicted of rape and murder, has ended thousands of kilometers from the Cantabrian prison of Dueso (Santoña), where he left in mid-July thanks to a seven-day prison permit and where he never returned. As reported by the Interior Ministry on Monday, the fugitive has been captured while trying to cross the Senegal-Gambia border. He had a false passport and was accompanied by his girlfriend at the time of arrest, according to detailed police sources, who have specified that the detainee had managed to get there after crossing Morocco and Mauritania.

“International cooperation generates mutual trust, and this has allowed this person to be definitively detained in record time,” said Minister of the Interior Fernando Grande-Marlaska, who said that “a few years ago it would not have been possible.” 


Until Senegalese police arrested him on Monday at a border crossing with the Gambia to verify that the physical characteristics of a man trying to pass coincided with the rapist and murderer. According to police sources have explained, although everything indicated that the arrested was Fernández Bueno, had to wait to check the fingerprints to confirm it officially, since the arrested was carrying a false passport. According to the same sources, the suspect was accompanied by his girlfriend at the time of arrest. His partner, a social educator who worked as a volunteer and whom he met years ago in the old provincial prison of Santander, had disappeared at the same time as the murderer.

Fernández Bueno was serving time in the Dueso jail for raping and murdering a cleaning worker in a cafeteria in Vitoria in 2000. He also has another nine-year sentence for another sexual assault committed before. After his escape, the penitentiary of Santoña sent a communication to all the headquarters of the National Police and the Civil Guard areas to launch the device for search and arrest. For this purpose, the units of both bodies were provided, also those specialized in violence against women, and their patrols the photograph and the description of the inmate. In addition, on Thursday of last week an international arrest warrant was activated through which the collaboration of the security forces of other countries was requested.

In his 17 years in prison, Fernández Bueno, completed almost all reintegration programs, starting with “Therapy for sexual offenders.” Sentenced to 36 years, he began to enjoy prison permits in 2012. He had left the prison 40 times before the last permit, according to prison sources. He always came back. Until two weeks ago, he did not return to jail and the alarms went off.

Previous Story………


Guillermo Fernandez Bueno is a rapist and murderer who has escaped from Santona prison in Santander on a pemit

If you see him or have any information, please call 091  or 062  or 112 immediately.

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