Home Local Info A Video Cat-A-Log . Part 2

A Video Cat-A-Log . Part 2

by Loraine Gostling



JC member Nick Godfrey wished to compile a new calendar for 2018 in support of our local Feral Cat association, which is run tirelessly by Liz Trafford. This will be the second of the charity calendars that Nick has produced, the first one, The Sunset Calendar  was made in support of Make-A-Smile and APASA in June.

So, the JC team called for photos of our local Kitties, which have all been saved and sent to Liz for her to judge and select those that will “star” in the calendar. Some of the photos, despite being real pretty-kitties, were not of a quality high enough to be enlarged and reproduced, but we can, and have, made a video record of them. There are so many that it has to be done in 2 halves!! All together some 160 cats ( and 3 dogs!) took part in the competition. I hope I have not missed any out but apologies if I have. After so many photos I began to develop Cat-aracts!!! 

Nick, Liz and JC would like to thank all those who took the time to enter the competition and soon we hope that the finalists will be announced.

Here is  Bien Purr – the Sequel…..

The first video can be seen on this link.. Bien Purr Part 1

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