Home Local Info A Tribute to Noelle .. Big Music Event, 3rd October 2017

A Tribute to Noelle .. Big Music Event, 3rd October 2017

by Loraine Gostling

By Hannah Williams

Gifted, kind hearted and zany are but a few words to describe a beautiful soul who unfortunately left this world last May. Who else could I be talking about other than everybody’s Auntie Noelle?

Known up and down the coast for her deep voice that would reverberate across the airwaves you knew you were certainly in for a giggle when she was in the studio. Whether flying solo or as the other half of Bob & Noelle she was a force to be reckoned with, full of life and that laugh…oh that laugh. As long as I live I know that I will never hear such a unique, joyous and dirty laugh as hers! As I am sat here at my computer I am grinning whilst writing this and remembering her.

Noelle was not just a voice on the radio, she was also very involved in charity work and would regularly help with fundraising for various local charities. Whether digging up potatoes to sell or posing on a Harley Davidson, she put her heart and soul into trying to better the lives of those who are not as fortunate as ourselves.

For those who would like to remember this legendary lady there is a ‘Big Three Way Bash’ being held at El Cid Bar & Restaurant in her memory. It is also the official launch of Valley FM and all monies raised will be donated to MABS and Help of Denia. It would be lovely to see as many people there as possible, Noelle, wherever she is I’m sure will be there as well…I’m sure she will make her presence known one way or another…

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