Home Local Info The Taxman has no mercy for the self-employed it seems

The Taxman has no mercy for the self-employed it seems

by JC Admin

The Treasury has suddenly started charging the self-employed for all outstanding debts for 2019.

The return to normality seems a hard fact now. With the majority of autonomies immersed in phase III, and some not even reached that goal yet…and one step away from what is defined as “new normality”, the main administrations returned to their usual activity after two months in which the offices of the Tax Agency and Social Security were closed .

And the return has been forceful. On June 1, the Treasury approved Royal Decree Law 537/2020 , which meant lifting the suspension of terms and interrupting administrative deadlines . In other words, the obligations of the self-employed with the administrations were no longer paralyzed by the state of alarm on March 14, 2020.

Consequently, the Tax Agency suddenly collected all the debts that the self-employed had been deferred since 2019 , and that must have been paid during the state of alarm. Those maturities of deferred debts that had a payment period of between March 14 and May 31 all came together.

All this has come without warning and at the worst moment for business liquidity, just when many have recovered their activity after two and a half months unemployed as a result of the pandemic . To which we must also add the return of checks and inspections by Social Security and Labour.

The administrations are also gradually recovering normality , with all that this implies: accreditation for subsidies, activity licenses, terrace licenses and, in general, any paperwork or procedure that the self-employed has pending. Everything has returned, and it has done so with great force.

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