Home Costa BlancaJavea Supporting Luke at Paris 24

Supporting Luke at Paris 24

by Loraine Gostling

Justin Davies asks for a little of the usual Javea community spirit.

On a post on Javea Connect tonight, Justin says:-

“Hi Guys. As I am sure that a lot of you are aware a great member of our local community Luke Thomas is in a critical condition in hospital following a terrible incident.. At this time it is about coming together and helping our friend.

Paris 24 with the help of some of his friends are organising a Padel tournament on Saturday 12th October to raise funds for Luke and his family.

If you would like to play in this HAPPY AND FRIENDLY mixed event then please pop in to Paris 24 and register with Alex Fisher as soon as possible. Entry fee is just 10.00 Euro and all funds will be going to Luke and his family.

May I also ask that if you are able to donate a raffle prize then please drop it off at Paris 24 and feel free to attach your business card to show your support. Our event will be running between 12.00 and 18.00. “

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