Home Costa Blanca Safe…..in The Doghouse

Safe…..in The Doghouse

by 0dayzFrids

Ford Europe has released plans for a new dog kennel that is out to aid those doggies that are sensitive to the sounds of fireworks or thunderstorms. From Geek.com:-

The automaker this week introduced a prototype noise-cancelling kennel. Using the same technology found in cars and headphones, the doghouse can protect sensitive canine ears during loud firework displays.

The kennel itself is just a prototype by now, but the company is touting it as a way to change how pets live with the loud sounds around them. In this case, it is fireworks . The company tapped “The Dogfather” Graeme Hall, a well-known dog trainer who has helped 5,000 dogs and owners with behavior problems to help explain the need for this tech:

“Many animals find fireworks scary – and compared to people, dogs can hear things that are four times further away, and across a much wider range of frequencies. Preparing in advance of firework displays is the key – and part of that is to identify a place where your pets feel safe and happy.”

Price??… Well that we will have to wait for……………..

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