Home Local Info Pooling Your Resources

Pooling Your Resources

by Loraine Gostling

The probability of being permitted to do this locally is pretty much “zilch” we imagine… but we think it is a cool idea!

Like it or not, containers are a growing trend in design around the world. Usually, you would have read something about houses and bungalows built from containers, but here, a cargo container was repurposed into a spectacular and fully-functional swimming pool. And not your run of the mill model, but a modern swimming pool with a super-safe window!

A company from Vancouver, Canada has really done something great because not only the shipping containers are repurposed in a useful fashion but the swimming pool can be setup real quickly and moved if necessary!

Also, a divider can be installed when the weather is cold, thus turning a small portion of it into a hot tub. And it is possible to control the entire thing via a smartphone!

The price to build it? Well we are unsure (apart from the fact that a container will cost around 1500 – 2000 euros) but maybe there is someone out there who will go take to “pool by the horns” and find out 😉

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