Last week, Oscar’s mum and local star, Niamh O’Sheehan, told us on the Javea Connect group, all about Oscar’s 2020 challenge to walk the 300 kilometre  Camino Santiago!
Now, we know that the Irish have the “gift of the gab” and Niamh is living proof of that, but we think that mum must step aside and let Oscar himself tell us all about his wonderful effort to make enough money to build a installing a SENSORY GARDEN adapted for special needs at the Occupational & Day Care centre in La Xara.
Quoting a little of Mum’s appeal…”Oscar recently visited the guys at the Occupational & Day Care centre in La Xara and saw first hand the vitality and importance of this place. He high 5’d and giggled with the chattier guys and quietly observed the severity of some of the badly disabled youngsters. Oscar instantly made the decision that, if by doing his 300 km walk, he could raise a few shillings then this was where he’d like to direct it. He loved the happy vibe and walked away so certain that they deserve ALL our support.”
But we think that mum should stay “mum” 😉and let Oscar tell it like it is. So take a minute to listen to this broadcast which went out on Valley FM last week ( from around 8 minutes in)
If you want to help young Oscar fulfil his dream, then please donate at or get in touch with Oscars Mammy directly +34 676507791 or visit her personal Facebook profile.