Home Humour ¿Dónde está el rey Juan Carlos? Where’s Wally style

¿Dónde está el rey Juan Carlos? Where’s Wally style

by JC Admin

A book has been prepared in the style Where’s Wally? with King Juan Carlos as it’s stripe clad star .

Satirical website, El Jueves says…”We will find him dressed as Wally, but with his inseparable crutch instead of a cane”.

A week after King Juan Carlos’ decision to leave Spain was made public, his fate remains to be revealed. The search for the monarch around the world has become the new fashion and a clever publisher has already decided to release the book  ¿Dónde está Juanqui?

According to the editor, “We have prepared several scenarios where it is hidden: Switzerland, United Arab Emirates … The most difficult is the one set in Thailand, since it could be in any brothel.”

The first edition has already been sold out in the reserves and this has been thanks to requests from Republicans. Asked about their interest in a Royal House product, they answered: “It is the only chance we will have of seeing the emeritus with a striped shirt.”

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