Home Costa Blanca Online Autotest set up by Minstry of Health

Online Autotest set up by Minstry of Health

by JC Admin

On March 12th a section was set up on the website of the Ministry of Health so that people who have doubts can carry out an initial “Autotest” and check if they are infected with coronavirus. 


This application, following the criteria set by the Ministry of Health, offers information and aims to guide citizens on whether they should go to a Health Centre or call the telephone number enabled by the Ministry, 900 300 555, depending on the symptoms they present and other circumstances such as the places they have visited or the contacts they have had in recent days.

This information is already offered through line 900, which is attended by operators who guide citizens in their queries. With this “self-test” , therefore, it is intended to lighten the flow of calls to line 900, which have increased in recent days.

The coronavirus “self-test” also offers additional information for those who are already isolated at home and have doubts, the most frequently asked questions about the virus or general questions about this disease.

All the updated information can be found by clicking button below

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